The title is a little clickbait-y but I love the content! Great job building something useful for you!
I’m a Python newbie and am pretty proud of the tiny program I built as well.
I was running some weekly product sales reports manually. The manual process was as follows:
- Download and open 7 CSV files (one for each day).
- Since the CSVs had data for two products in them, I had to filter through the data to split it up correctly.
- Copy and paste the relevant data from each CSV file to separate Google Sheets for each product. Each CSV had a bunch of extraneous data that was not useful.
- Add the date to each corresponding line of data.
- Run the reports and build graphs in Google Sheets.
I wrote a Python script in Jupyter Notebook that automated steps 2–5 above.
I still had to download the CSV files (working on automating that), but then the Python script would:
- Look into a specific folder for the CSV files
- Parse out only the relevant data from each CSV file and concatenate into a dataframe
- Parse the dates out of each filename and add to the dataframe
- Separate the data for the two products into separate dataframes
- Push the data of the relevant dataframe to their respective GSheets
I’m working on doing all of the analysis in Python as well.
I found that building something that is relevant to me and can automate processes is the best way to learn.